three widely available spices that help control blood sugar levels

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Hot pepper

According to the research published in the journal The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, after the respondents had eaten a meal containing hot peppers, the blood glucose level was reduced for about 20 minutes to two hours after meals.
In addition, a marked decrease in insulin levels in the blood has been noted, especially those who had eaten homemade paprika for 30 days prior to this test. These findings have led researchers to conclude that angry pangs improve insulin sensitivity, which in turn leads to lowering blood sugar levels.
Paprika can be eaten fresh, which is probably the best because they are rich in vitamin C. And aleva (dried and ground) paprika also contains all the active ingredients as fresh as possible. Some studies later suggested that it is just the paprika that causes angina - capsaicin - that ingredient that leads to a reduction in blood sugar levels.


Research published in Journal of Natural Medicine has shown that glucosides containing oregano can help lower blood sugar levels. This study only confirmed the results of a previous study that found that "experimental rats had a" significant reduction "of blood glucose levels after a longer time in the food supplemented with the oregano extract.
Oregano is a common spice for pizza, which gives it a distinctive smell. Dried oregano spice can be obtained almost in all stores. More recently, essential oils of oregano have appeared which can be found in pharmacies and healthy food stores.


Recent study of curcuma activity at Harbin Medical School in China included patients with type II diabetes. Patients took 300 milligrams of curcuma per day for three months. In all, significant reductions in blood glucose levels and decreased insulin resistance were observed. Also decreased the hemoglobin A1 C (diabetic marker) compared to the control group of the placebo-treated patient.
These results attribute the researchers to the active substance from this spice, called curcumin. Curcumin is a natural antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent. This is exactly the substance that curcumin gives its characteristic orange-yellow color. In addition, curcumin still has many beneficial effects on health.
three widely available spices that help control blood sugar levels three widely available spices that help control blood sugar levels Reviewed by Unknown on 09:11 Rating: 5

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