Yogurt strengthens immunity

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Yogurts containing live bacteria are very healthy, and this is why probiotics protect the body from harmful bacteria, taking them all the resources needed to succeed.

Yoghurt is a milk with bacterial culture additives. In order to get energy, bacteria eat sugar from the milk, and it is lucidly lactic acid, which then clogs milk.
Yogurts containing live bacteria are very healthy, and this is why probiotics protect the body from harmful bacteria, taking them all the resources necessary for success.

Yoghurt has been used as a cure for many uses since ancient times, but in the last 10-15 years, scientists have discovered how useful yogurt is.
Yogurt can destroy the fungus Candidu albicans, which lives in the vagina and if it multiplies it can cause itching and burning.

In women who have problems with frequent urinary tract infections, yogurt can be of great help. Finnish scientists have found that women who eat three dairy meals per day (yogurt or cheese) are less likely to suffer from urinary infections than women who do not eat often dairy products.

Only two glasses of yogurt per day can greatly increase the level of gamma interferon, which helps the immune system of a human in the fight against microbes.
When buying yogurt, it is best to choose one that says "bio", "active" or "live" to ensure that yogurt contains more living organisms that consume human health and choose yoghurts to which it does not expire soon.

For people who do not like yogurt it is recommended to take probiotic drinks.

Yogurt strengthens immunity Yogurt strengthens immunity Reviewed by Unknown on 08:42 Rating: 5

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