A cured patient is infected with HIV

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erman scientists managed to completely cure a person infected with HIV! The patient who suffered from leukemia was first destroyed by the radiation by the defense system, and then transplanted with stem cells that became blood.

Thanks to the transplantation of stem cells that contained hereditary genetic mutation that made them naturally resistant to HIV. However, AIDS researchers argue that this discovery will have very little application in practice because the patient's immunity must be completely destroyed to receive stem cells. And it is very difficult to find such a donor, since genetic mutation is very rare.

Scientists from the Medical Faculty in Berlin treated HIV-infected patients, who also suffered from acute myeloid leukemia, cancer of the immune system. They completely destroyed his immunity with high doses of chemotherapy and radiation, after which he was transplanted by stem cells.

A cured patient is infected with HIV A cured patient is infected with HIV Reviewed by Unknown on 08:02 Rating: 5

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